Pain of Salvation a lansat clipul Unfuture – Lyric Video


Unfuture”, noul lyric video prin care suedezii de la Pain of Salvation continua promovarea albumului “Panther” poate fi urmarit mai jos. Discul, cel de-al 11-lea album de studio, a fost lansat 28 august 2020, sub egida InsideOut Music.

Panther” este mixat si produs de Daniel Gildenlow si Daniel Bergstrand (In Flames, Meshuggah, Devin Townsend) in timp ce coperta ii apartine lui Andre Meister.

Tracklist “Panther”:

01. Accelerator
02. Unfuture
03. Restless Boy
04. Wait
05. Keen To A Fault
06. Fur
07. Panther
08. Species
09. Icon