Asculta noua melodie Six Feet Under, Amputator


Six Feet Under, unul dintre cele mai cunoscute si mai apreciate nume de pe scena death metal internationala, va lansa pe 2 octombrie 2020, un nou album de studio, intitulat “Nightmares Of The Decomposed”.

Chris Barnes, liderul trupei, a declarat: “Working again after 25 years writing an album with my old bandmate from Cannibal Corpse, Jack Owen (guitar), was like coming home…To a room full of dead bodies. Jack‘s writing and riff work on this album gave me the fuel to write some disturbing lyrics and really set my creative mind on fire.”

Six Feet Under a aparut in 1993, in Tampa (Florida) ca proiect personal al lui Chris Barnes (vocalist al Cannibal Corpse la acel moment), impreuna cu Allen West (Obituary).