Videoclip nou Stoned Jesus, Hands Resist Him


La inceputul lunii va anuntam ca Stoned Jesus, una dintre cele mai cunoscute trupe din Europa de Est de stoner/doom metal, va lansa pe 7 septembrie 2018, albumul “Pilgrims”. Cel de-al 4-lea album al ucrainienilor contine 7 piese si este distribiut sub egida Napalm Records.

“Pilgrims” este disponibil in urmatoarele formate: standard cd, limited edition 4-page digipack, vinyl, si digital download. Primul single care beneficiaza de un videoclip de promovare este pentru piesa “Hands Resist Him” si poate fi urmarit mai jos.

Despre acest album Stoned Jesus a declarat: “This record was inspired by our relentless touring and the feelings you get – or more precisely you lose – because of it. It’s weird how disconnected one becomes when constantly surrounded by people. Musically it’s pretty different from what we’ve done, it’s more song-oriented but simultaneously more challenging than before – sonically and structurally.”

Stoned Jesus este renumita pentru regalul de doom metal traditional, stoner rock si psychedelic pe care il prezinta cu succes fanilor la fiecare show al trupei, cat si pe cele trei albume de studio lansate pana in acest moment.

Tracklist “Pilgrims”:

1. Excited
2. Thessalia
3. Distant Light
4. Feel
5. Hands Resist Him
6. Water Me
7. Apathy