Riverside a lansat videoclipul noului single, Story Of My Dream


Formatia poloneza Riverside a lansat videoclipul noului single, intitulat “Story Of My Dream“.

Mariusz Duda a declarat: “Story of My Dream” is a composition prepared especially for our 20th anniversary. We wanted it to contain all the characteristic elements of our style, and to combine Riverside from the first decade, when we sounded a bit “heavier”, and Riverside from the second decade, the more melancholic-song-oriented one. The lyrics contain direct quotes and references to many of our previous song titles. To reflect that, the cover of the single, prepared by Travis Smith, also contains fragments of our past covers and graphic designs.

Story of My Dream” is the first song we recorded in the new line-up, with Maciej Meller. It’s also, in a way, a taste of the way we’re going to sound on our new, eighth album (scheduled for 2022). Although the single itself is not going to be on it, it will be the opening track of this year’s release, “Riverside 20”, containing remastered versions of some of our past compositions.

In times of “retromania”, playlists, and all sorts of compilations, we thought it wouldn’t be the worst idea to mark our 20th anniversary with this kind of release. The compilation will be split into two parts called “The Shorts” and “The Longs”, and will showcase our career to date, summarising what we’ve done so far and preparing us all for the upcoming new album, which will open another music chapter for Riverside. What will the new album be like? You can find out in the lyrics to the new single, “Story of My Dream”.

Riverside a fost infiintata in Varsovia, in 2001, si are pana in prezent 7 materiale discografice, majoritatea fiind lansate sub egida prestigioasei case de discuri Inside Out Records. Asemanata deseori cu Pink Floyd sau Dream Theater, Riverside este una din cele mai bine cotate trupe de progressive rock din Europa.

Odata cu lansarea primului material discografic, “Out of Myself” (2003), succesul pe care l-a avut in Polonia a adus formatiei Riverside un contract cu casa de discuri americana Laser’s Edge, dar si o colaborare cu pictorul Travis Smith (Dewin Townsend, Anathema).

Incepand cu cel de-al doilea album de studio al trupei, “Voices in My Head”, material lansat initial in Polonia (Mystic Production) apoi relansat international sub egida InsideOut, Riverside si-a inceput cariera in adevaratul sens al cuvantului, concertand in intreaga lume si inregistrand vanzari masive. “Rapid Eye Movement” (2007), al treilea album de studio, a adus trupei o colaborare cu Dream Theater pentru segmentul european de turneu al legendarei trupe. “Anno Domini High Definition” (2009), “Shrine of New Generation Slaves” (2013), “Love, Fear and the Time Machine” (2015) si “Wasteland” (2018) nu au facut decat sa confirme faptul ca Riverside este o formatie cu o identitate extrem de speciala.