Urmareste noul videoclip The Ocean, Sea of Reeds!


Sea of Reeds“, noul videoclip The Ocean (progressive metal, post-metal, sludge metal, avant-garde metal) poate fi urmarit mai jos. Piesa este inclusa pe albumul “Holocene“ ce va fi lansat pe 19 mai 2023, sub egida Pelagic Records.

Despre “Holocene“, The Ocean a declarat: “Holocene is an appendix to the two Phanerozoic albums and Precambrian, or the final and concluding chapter, making it a quadrology if you want so,” explains guitarist and main writer Robin Staps. “It’s tackling the Holocene epoch, which is the current and shortest chapter in earth’s history, but it is essentially an album about the angst, alienation, loss of reason and critical thinking, rise of conspiracy theories and deconstruction of values in the modern age.”

The Ocean ramane una din cele mai bine cotate formatii din scena contemporana metal, avand un palmares impresionant de concerte in toata lumea si turnee alaturi de Opeth, Anathema, The Dillinger Escape Plan, The Black Dahlia Murder, Cult Of Luna, Mastodon sau Isis.