Videoclip nou Emma Ruth Rundle, The Company


Emma Ruth Rundle a lansat pe 5 noiembrie 2021, sub egida Sargent House, albumul “Engine of Hell“. Noul videoclip de promovare este pentru piesa “The Company” si poate fi urmarit mai jos.

Despre “The Company“, Emma Ruth Rundle a declarat: “I dreamed this visual poem about innocence of the spirit, sadness and the dark deceiver I spend my life trying to run from. Or is it a friendly entity? What does it mean? Upon waking – I acquired the equipment and made a plan to film it. I enlisted the help of my dear friend, Blake Armstrong, who helped shoot and plays part in the video as well.”

Tracklist “Engine of Hell”:

1. Return
2. Blooms of Oblivion
3. Body
4. The Company
5. Dancing Man
6. Razor’s Edge
7. Citadel
8. In My Afterlife