Emma Ruth Rundle va lansa pe 5 noiembrie 2021, sub egida Sargent House, noul album de studio, intitulat “Engine of Hell“. Primul videoclip de promovare, care este regizat de artista, este pentru piesa “Return” si poate fi urmarit mai jos.
Despre “Engine of Hell“, Emma Ruth Rundle a declarat:
“Here are some very personal songs, here are my memories, here is me teetering on the very edge of sanity dipping my toe into the outer reaches of space and I’m taking you with me and it’s very fucked up and imperfect. For me this album is the end of an era to the end of a decade of making records. Things DO have to change and have changed for me since I finished recording it.”
Tracklist “Engine of Hell”:
1. Return
2. Blooms of Oblivion
3. Body
4. The Company
5. Dancing Man
6. Razor’s Edge
7. Citadel
8. In My Afterlife