Emma Ruth Rundle a lansat videoclipul noului single, Blooms of Oblivion


Emma Ruth Rundle va lansa pe 5 noiembrie 2021, sub egida Sargent House, noul album de studio, intitulat “Engine of Hell“. Al doilea videoclip de promovare este pentru piesa “Blooms of Oblivion” si poate fi urmarit mai jos.

Despre “Blooms of Oblivion“, Emma Ruth Rundle a declarat:

“In the video I use an oversized coat to represent an oversized and burdening experience for the little girl. The feeling of being free falling in chaos. Having no control over your circumstances. The song and video describe the feelings I had as a little girl and how that’s shaped who I have become – negotiating with my past and waking to the woman I strive to become through self-love, self parenting and forgiveness and the transformation that it can bring.”

Tracklist “Engine of Hell”:

1. Return
2. Blooms of Oblivion
3. Body
4. The Company
5. Dancing Man
6. Razor’s Edge
7. Citadel
8. In My Afterlife