Ex Deo a dat publicitatii primul videoclip extras de pe noul album de studio, intitulat “The Thirteen Years Of Nero“. Materialul va fi lansat pe 27 august 2021, sub egida Napalm Records iar videoclipul “Imperator” poate fi urmarit mai jos.
Maurizio Iacono, liderul trupei, a declarat: “When it comes to Ancient Rome, the content is long, rich and extensive, the personalities reflect every society imaginable from just, fair and generous to greed, evil and merciless. The world we live in today was shaped by Rome – it doesn’t take much see it all around you in the simplest things. For this record, it was the proper time to fallow the timeline of one Rome’s most controversial figures, Nero. On this album, we follow him through his thirteen-year journey as emperor of Rome and unveil the true face of one of the world’s most worshiped villains.”
Tracklist “The Thirteen Years Of Nero”:
01. The Fall Of Claudius
02. Imperator
03. The Head Of The Snake
04. Boudicca (Queen Of The Iceni) [feat. Brittney Slayes]
05. Britannia: The 9th At Camulodonum
06. Trial Of The Gods (Intermezzo)
07. The Fiddle & The Fire
08. Son Of The Deified
09. What Artist Dies In Me…
10. The Revolt Of Galba
Ex Deo este un proiect symphonic death metal initiat de vocalistul formatiei Kataklysm, Maurizio Iacono, in 2008 ca un “proiect artistic” de care era interesat in mod special datorita originilor sale italiene, chiar daca este nascut si crescut in Canada. Ex Deo nu a fost fondata ca sa fie o formatie la fel de activa cum e Kataklysm, Iacono sustinand ca “e mai mult un fel de trupa prestigioasa”. N-o sa avem turnee intense pentru Ex Deo, n-o sa facem cate facem pentru Kataklysm. Kataklysm e un fel de trupa-razboinica a lumii, stii, e mereu pe drumuri si la curent cu aspectele sociale. Ex Deo e ceva mai artistic.
Ex Deo are trei albume de studio pana in momentul actual: “Romulus” (2009), “Caligvla” (2012) si “The Immortal Wars” (2017), toate abordand teme despre Imperiul Roman.