La 2 ani de la aparitia albumului “Akroasis” (2016), Obscura, trupa de progressive metal germana, a lasat pe 13 iulie 2018, cel de-al 5-lea material discografic, intitulat “Diluvium”. CD-ul este produs de trupa in colaborare cu V. Santura (Triptykon, Pestilence) in studioul Woodshed Studios din Germania si distribuit sub egida Relapse Records. Noul videoclip de promovare este “Mortification of The Vulgar Sun” si poate fi urmarit mai jos.
“Diluvium” beneficiaza de doua aparitii speciale. Este vorba despre tatal lui Linus Klausenitzer (bass) si bateristul Jonas Baumgartl care a evoluat in trupa in perioada 2002 – 2007. De altfel Jonas apare pe inregistrarea primului si singurului demo, “Illegimitation”, dar si pe albumul de debut, “Retribution”.
Solistul vocal si chtaristul Obscura, Steffen Kummerer, a declarat:
“Our new album “Diluvium” finally marks the end of Obscura‘s four album circle we started around ten years ago when we wrote “Cosmogenesis”, followed by “Omnivium” and “Akroasis” in recent years. With Rafael Trujillo, Linus Klausenitzer, Sebastian Lanser and myself participating as equal songwriting contributors, the record turned out diverse, progressive and colorful in every possible way. We can’t wait to share the final piece of this long running four-album-concept with you and look forward to the album release along with extensive touring throughout 2018″.
Tracklist “Diluvium”:
1. Clandestine Stars
2. Emergent Evolution
3. Diluvium
4. Mortification of the Vulgar Sun
5. Ethereal Skies
6. Convergence
7. Ekpyrosis
8. The Seventh Aeon
9. The Conjuration
10. An Epilogue to Infinity
11. A Last Farewell (Bonus Track)