Asculta Panopticom, primul single Peter Gabriel inclus pe noul album, i/o!


Peter Gabriel, care va implinii luna viitoare 73 de ani, a dat publicitatii melodia “Panopticom“, compozitia fiind primul extras pe single de pe viitorul album de studio, intitulat “i/o“.

Despre “Panopticom“, Peter Gabriel a declarat:

“The first song is based on an idea I have been working on to initiate the creation of an infinitely expandable accessible data globe: The Panopticom. We are beginning to connect a like-minded group of people who might be able to bring this to life, to allow the world to see itself better and understand more of what’s really going on.”

i/o” este primul album Peter Gabriel cu piese noi din ultimii 21 de ani si este inregistrat alaturi de vechii colaboratori Tony Levin, David Rhodes si Manu Katche.

Peter Gabriel a concertat in premiera la Bucuresti pe data de 8 mai 2014, in pavilionul central din cadrul complexului expozitional Romexpo. Artistul a venit in Romania cu ocazia turneului “Back to Front“, ce a marcat 25 de ani de la aparitia celebrului material “So”.