Videoclip nou Periphery, Blood Eagle


Trei ani au avut nevoie americanii de la Periphery (progressive metal, djent, progressive metalcore) pentru a pune pe picioare un nou material discografic. “Periphery IV: Hail Stan” contine 9 piese si va fi lansat pe 5 aprilie 2019, prin intermediul propriul label, 3DOT Recordings.

Cum o veste buna nu vine niciodata singura va invitam sa urmariti si primul videoclip de promovare, piesa aleasa fiind “Blood Eagle”. Clipul este regizat de Jeremy Danger si Travis Shinn iar chitaristul Mark Holcomb a declarat:

“We’ve known since the late stages of P4 writing sessions that “Blood Eagle” would be the first song we released. It’s an unrelenting song that, even while we were writing it, we could say to ourselves, We need to play this live. The original demo was vastly different, and through the songwriting process, it took on this kind of violent, explosive nature that is always hard to synthesize. That energy excited us and we knew it’d be the first thing we’d let you all hear.”

Tracklist “Periphery IV: Hail Stan”:

01. Reptile
02. Blood Eagle
04. Garden In The Bones
05. It’s Only Smiles
06. Follow Your Ghost
07. Crush
08. Sentient Glow
09. Satellites