Between the Buried and Me, una dintre cele mai inovatoare trupe de progressive metal, continua sa exploreze si sa impinga spre noi dimensiuni muzica. Cea mai noua realizare a americanilor este “Automata”, un album conceptual format din doua parti, “Automata I” fiind lansat pe 9 martie 2018. Iata ca formatia a dat publicitatii ca “Automata II” va iesi pe piata pe 13 iulie sub egida Sumerian Records.
Tommy Rogers, solistul vocal, a declarat despre conceptul discului:
“Holding our tongues for “Automata II” was challenging. We worked so hard on these songs and finally we get to release the other half of this material to the world! I think this is some of the best material we’ve ever released. It’s a result of everything we’ve been striving for up to this point. There are plenty of twists/turns and bizarre moments, but there is also a lot of beauty in the music and the story. “Automata” is now complete and our antagonist found his version of home and peace. We are all in this together.”
Tracklist “Automata II”:
1. The Proverbial Bellow (13:16)
2. Glide (2:13)
3. Voice of Trespass (7:58)
4. The Grid (9:45)