Vader a lansat clipul Shock And Awe (Lyric Video)


Dupa o pauza de patru ani de la aparitia lui “The Empire” (2016), polonezii de la Vader revin cu cel de-al 12-lea album de studio. Acesta poarta numele “Solitude In Madness” si va fi lansat in luna mai 2020, sub egida casei de discuri Nuclear Blast Records.

Noul album a fost inregistrat cu producatorul Scott Atkins in Grindstone Studio din Suffolk, Anglia iar primul single de promovare vine sub forma unui lyric video si se intituleaza “Shock And Awe“.

Despre acest prim single dar si despre noul material discografic componentii trupei au declarat:

“Finally we have a real pleasure to show you the first song from the upcoming ne full length album “Solitude In Madness“. This is the opening song and classic Vader blasting attack. This one is also available as digital single online or You can just stream it on Spotify as well. Our fans in US or Canada, who plan to visit us on tour in february will have a chance to check “Shock And Awe” alive! This is just the beginning… Expect much more soon!”.