Urmareste noul videoclip Kadavar, Everything Is Changing


Everything Is Changing“, noul videoclip semnat de formatia Kadavar, trio-ul german de stoner rock originar din Berlin, poate fi urmarit mai jos.

Melodia este inclusa pe albumul “The Isolation Tapes” ce va fi lansat pe 23 octombrie 2020, sub egida Robotor Records.

Christoph “Lupus” Lindemann a declarat: “The time of isolation has been a very intimate one that would not invite to write another hard rock album just like that. At home I wasn’t looking for loud guitars or walls of sound: everything turned quiet, both inside and outside, until sound almost disappeared. I would start listening to things I usually wouldn’t, like water drops, steps, birds or wind… So we started recording out of this new mental state, we would use loops for the very first time or play around with sounds we have never used before, resulting in a trip through our minds that captured these special times where everything was changing”.