Videoclip nou Immolation, When The Jackals Come


“When The Jackals Come”, noul videoclip lansat de death metalistii de la Immolation poate fi urmarit mai jos. Piesa este extrasa de pe albumul “Atonement” lansat oe 27 februarie 2018, prin intermediul Nuclear Blast.

Despre “When The Jackals Come”, trupa a declarat: “We are excited to release this new video to the fans! This is one of our favourite songs off the “Atonement” record. The song itself has a very dark vibe, so we aimed to make the video as best a representation of it as we could. We hope everyone enjoys it! ‘Their war is already won…your world will end, when the jackals come.”

“Atonement” a fost inregistrat in studioul Millbrook Sound din New York cu ajutorul producatorului Paul Orofino. Mixajul si masterizarea ii apartin lui Zack Ohren (All Shall Perish, Decrepit Birth, Suffocation) in timp ce artwork-ul a fost realizat de Par Olofsson (Exodus, Immortal, The Faceless, Abysmal Dawn) dar exista si cateva ilustratii suplimentare facute de Zbigniew Bielak (Ghost, Enslaved, Paradise Lost, Watain).

Tracklist “Atonement”:

1. The Distorting Light
2. When The Jackals Come
3. Fostering The Divide
4. Rise The Heretics
5. Thrown To The Fire
6. Destructive Currents
7. Lower
8. Atonement
9. Above All
10. The Power Of Gods
11. Epiphany