Riverside ofera noi informatii despre viitorul album, Wasteland


La inceputul lunii iunie 2018, formatia poloneza Riverside, condusa de basistul Mariusz Duda, anunta ca viitorul material discografic va fi lansat in scurt timp. Este tipmul sa va oferim informatii in plus despre acest disc. Materialul, cel de-al 7-lea din cariera trupei, poarta numele “Wasteland” si va fi lansat pe 28 septembrie 2018, prin intermediul casei de discuri Inside Out Music.

Artwork-ul poarta semnatura lui Travis Smith, nume care a lucrat cu Death, Devin Townsend, Katatonia, Nevermore, Opeth, Anathema, CKY, Soilwork, King Diamond, Novembre, Avenged Sevenfold, Strapping Young Lad sau Persefone. Trupa a anuntat si turneul European ce va incepe pe 12 octombrie in Gdansk.

Despre “Wasteland“, Mariusz Duda a declarat: “I’d been thinking about exploring “post-apocalyptic” regions for a long time. I read books, watched films, played video games, all connected by stories about an attempt to survive in a world that had just ended. But writing such a story myself didn’t make much sense until now. Riverside are starting a new chapter and after our recent experiences, a story like that has gained more meaning. Wasteland is mostly about what’s happening in the world these days but it also makes a reference to the tragedy that befell the band in 2016. Musically, we’ve returned to darker sounds but we have also turned a new page and recorded the album in a different style. It’s still Riverside but expressed in a much deeper and more mature way. Most artists say the same thing while promoting their new releases: that they have just created their best work to date. I won’t say that because everything we have done so far has been consistently very good and unique. But I will say that we have never had such an incredible emotional load on any of our previous releases, and it’s not likely that we will ever make such a charged album again. Wasteland is an epic, multidimensional, poetic and very deep album. Perhaps of the once in a lifetime kind.”

Tracklist “Wasteland”:

1. The Day After
2. Acid Rain
3. Vale Of Tears
4. Guardian Angel
5. Lament
6. The Struggle For Survival
7. River Down Below
8. Wasteland
9. The Night Before