Orphaned Land a lansat clipul We Do Not Resist (Lyric Video)


Formatia israeliana de metal progresiv Orphaned Land va lansa pe 26 ianauarie noul album intitulat “Unsung Prophets & Dead Messiahs”. Materialul a fost mixat si masterizat de suedezul Jens Bogren (Kreator, Sepultura, Angra, Paradise Lost, etc) si beneficiaza de contributia unor invitati ca Steve Hackett (Genesis), Hansi Kursch (Blind Guardian) si Tomas Lindberg (At the Gates).

Coperta albumului a fost creata de graficianul francez Valnoir, directorul artistic al studioului Metastazis (Watain, Ulver, Paradise Lost, Behemoth, etc) iar noul single de promovare este piesa “We Do Not Resist”.

Tracklist “Unsung Prophets & Dead Messiahs”:

1. The Cave
2. We Do Not Resist
3. In Propaganda
4. All Knowing Eye
5. Yedidi
6. Chains Fall To Gravity
7. Like Orpheus
8. Poets Of Prophetic Messianism
9. Left Behind
10. My Brother’s Keeper
11. Take My Hand
12. Only The Dead Have Seen The End Of War
13. The Manifest – Epilogue