Asculta noul single Dee Snider (ex-Twisted Sister), Become The Storm


“Become The Storm”, noua piesa semnata Dee Snider, fostul solist al celebrei trupe Twisted Sister, poate fi ascultat mai jos. Este al doilea single de promovare, primul a fost “Tomorrow’s No Concern”, extras de pe viitorul material discografic, intitulat “For The Love Of Metal”.

Cel de-al 4-lea album solo Dee Snider va fi lansat pe 27 iulie 2018, prin intermediul casei de discuri Napalm Records. MAterialul contine 12 piese si este produs de liderul trupei Hatebreed, solistul vocal Jamey Jasta.

Printre invitatii speciali se numara Howard Jones (Light The Torch, ex-Killswitch Engage, etc.), Mark Morton (Lamb Of God), Alissa White-Gluz (Arch Enemy), Joel Grind (Toxic Holocaust), Nick Bellmore (Toxic Holocaust) si Charlie Bellmore (Kingdom Of Sorrow).

Tracklist “For The Love Of Metal”:

1. Lies are a Business
2. Tomorrow’s No Concern
3. I Am the Hurricane
4. American Made
5. Roll Over You
6. I’m Ready
7. Running Mazes
8. Mask
9. Become The Storm
10. The Hardest Way
11. Dead Hearts (Love Thy Enemy)
12. For The Love of Metal