Alter Bridge a lansat clipul The End Is Here


Dupa 14 ani de cariera, 5 albume de studio si numeroase concert Sold Out, Alter Bridge va lansa pe 7 septembrie 2018, “Live at the Royal Albert Hall”. Materialul a fost filmat in octombrie 2017, cand trupa a sustinut 2 concerte in celebra Royal Albert Hall din Londra alaturi de Parallax Orchestra, formata din 52 de muzicieni, condusa de dirijorul Simon Dobson.

Albumul este o colectie de 21 de melodii, unele alese de fani, hiturile formatiei dar si cateva raritati printre care “Words Darker Than Their Wings”, Noul videoclip de promovare este “The End Is Here” si poate fi urmarit mai jos. “Live at the Royal Albert Hall” este distribuit sub egida Napalm Records si disponibil in mai multe formate inclusiv Blu-Ray, DVD, CD si Vinyl.

Tracklist “Live At The Royal Albert Hall”:

1. Slip To The Void
2. Addicted To Pain
3. Before Tomorrow Comes
4. The Writing On The Wall
5. Cry Of Achilles
6. In Loving Memory
7. Fortress
8. Ties That Bind
9. The Other Side
10. Brand New Start
11. Ghost Of Days Gone By
12. The Last Hero
13. The End Is Here
14. Words Darker Than Their Wings
15. Waters Rising
16. Lover
17. Wonderful Life/Watch Over You
18. This Side Of Fate
19. Broken Wings
20. Blackbird
21. Open Your Eyes