“Once Upon A Pale Horse“, noul videoclip semnat de formatia poloneza de black metal Behemoth poate fi urmarit mai jos. Piesa este extrasa de pe albumul “Opvs Contra Natvram” lansat pe 16 septembrie 2022, sub egida Nuclear Blast.
Poze concert Behemoth la Metalhead Meeting 2017!
Tracklist “Opvs Contra Natvram”:
1. Post-God Nirvana
2. Malaria Vvlgata
3. The Deathless Sun
4. Ov My Herculean Exile
5. Neo-Spartacvs
6. Disinheritance
7. Off To War!
8. Once Upon A Pale Horse
9. Thy Becoming Eternal
10. Versvs Christvs