Asculta The Court, al doilea single Peter Gabriel inclus pe noul album, i/o!


Peter Gabriel, care va implinii peste cateva zile 73 de ani, a dat publicitatii melodia “The Court“, compozitia fiind al doilea extras pe single, dupa aparitia lui “Panopticom“, de pe viitorul album de studio, intitulat “i/o“.

Despre “The Court“, Peter Gabriel a declarat:

“I had this idea for ‘the court will rise’ chorus, so it became a free-form, impressionistic lyric that connected to justice, but there’s a sense of urgency there,” said the former Genesis singer about the track.

“A lot of life is a struggle between order and chaos and in some senses the justice or legal system is something that we impose to try and bring some element of order to the chaos. That’s often abused, it’s often unfair and discriminatory but at the same time it’s probably an essential part of a civilised society. But we do need to think sometimes about how that is actually realised and employed.”

i/o” este primul album Peter Gabriel cu piese noi din ultimii 21 de ani si este inregistrat alaturi de vechii colaboratori Tony Levin, David Rhodes si Manu Katche.

Peter Gabriel a concertat in premiera la Bucuresti pe data de 8 mai 2014, in pavilionul central din cadrul complexului expozitional Romexpo. Artistul a venit in Romania cu ocazia turneului “Back to Front“, ce a marcat 25 de ani de la aparitia celebrului material “So”.