“No Gods, No Masters“, noul videoclip Machine Head poate fi urmarit mai jos. Melodia este inclusa pe cel de-al 10-lea album de studio, intitulat “Of Kingdom And Crown“, lansat astazi, 26 august 2022, sub egida Nuclear Blast/Imperium Recordings.
Discul contine trei piese, “Become The Firestorm“, “Rotten” si “Arrows In Words From The Sky“, care au fost lansate anul trecut iar liderul trupei Robb Flynn a declarat ca noul material continua directia albumelor “Through The Ashes Of Empires” (2003) si “The Blackening” (2007).
Tracklist “Of Kingdom And Crown”:
01. Slaughter The Martyr
02. Choke On The Ashes Of Your Hate
03. Become The Firestorm
04. Overdose
05. My Hands Are Empty
06. Unhallowed
07. Assimilate
08. Kill Thy Enemies
09. No Gods, No Masters
10. Bloodshot
11. Rotten
12. Terminus
13. Arrows In Words From The Sky