Behemoth a lansat videoclipul noului single, Off To War!


Off To War!“, noul videoclip semnat de formatia poloneza de black metal Behemoth poate fi urmarit mai jos. Piesa este extrasa de pe albumul “Opvs Contra Natvram” programat spre aparitie pe 16 septembrie 2022, sub egida Nuclear Blast.

Poze concert Behemoth la Metalhead Meeting 2017!

Adam “Nergal” Darski, liderul trupei si solistul vocal, a declarat: “The album title means going against the current. It’s the negative of the values and morals and ethics that I stand against. I’ve seriously been wrestling with destructive tendencies in pop culture — cancel culture, social media, and tools which I feel are very dangerous weapons in the hands of people who are not competent to judge others. That’s something which I find very destructive and disturbing — and extremely limiting coming from an artists’ perspective. This is my middle finger to that. There’s a song on the record called ‘Neo-Spartacvs.’ Spartacus was one of the most iconic rebels in history who went against the most powerful empire of all time. In the end, it’s me screaming, ‘I Am Spartacus, and so are you!’ I want to spark that flame of rebellion. If something seems wrong then stand up to it!”

Tracklist “Opvs Contra Natvram”:

1. Post-God Nirvana
2. Malaria Vvlgata
3. The Deathless Sun
4. Ov My Herculean Exile
5. Neo-Spartacvs
6. Disinheritance
7. Off To War!
8. Once Upon A Pale Horse
9. Thy Becoming Eternal
10. Versvs Christvs