Soilwork a lansat videoclipul noului single, Overgivenheten


Formatia suedeza Soilwork (melodic death metal) va lansa pe 19 august 2022, cel de-al 12-lea album de studio intitulat “Overgivenheten“. Discul vine dupa o pauza de trei ani iar videoclipul piesei de titlu poate fi urmarit mai jos.

Bjorn Strid, liderul trupei, a declarat: “The title track of this album just might be the pinnacle of this band’s musical journey — it sums up everything that we’ve ever been about and the sometimes risky musical venture that this band embarked on some 20 years ago. To me, this song is as close to the heart as it gets.”

Tracklist “Overgivenheten”:

1. Overgivenheten
2. Nous Sommes la Guerre
3. Electric Again
4. Valleys of Gloam
5. Is It in Your Darkness
6. Vultures
7. Morgongava/Stormfagel
8. Death, I Hear You Calling
9. This Godless Universe
10. Dreams of Nowhere
11. The Everlasting Flame
12. Golgata
13. Harvest Spine
14. On The Wings Of A Goddess Through Flaming Sheets Of Rain

Suedeii de la Soilwork sunt prezenti pe scena metalului din 1995 si au la activ 11 albume de studio, cel mai recent dintre ele fiind “Verkligheten” (2019). De-a lungul timpului, in Soilwork au mai activat artisti precum Dirk Verbeuren, care in momentul de fata este tobosarul Megadeth sau Daniel Atonsson, fost basist si in Dark Tranquillity. Au mai colaborat si cu Richard Evensand care a fost tobosarul Therion si Chimaira.