Asculta noua melodie Motor Sister, Right There Just Like That


Right There Just Like That“, noul single semnat de trupa Motor Sister poate fi ascultat mai jos. Melodia este inclusa pe albumul “Get Off“, ce va fi lansat pe 6 mai 2022, sub egida Metal Blade Records.

Motor Sister este un proiect muzical format din Jim Wilson, Scott Ian (Anthrax), Joey Vera (Armored Saint, Fates Warning), John Tempesta (White Zombie, The Cult) si Pearl Aday (Pearl).

Tracklist “Get Off”:

01. Can’t Get High Enough
02. Coming For You
03. Right There, Just Like That
04. Sooner Or Later
05. Excuse Me, Your Life Is Exposed
06. Lion’s Den
07. 1,000,000 Miles
08. Pain
09. Bulletproof
10. Bruise It Or Lose It
11. Time’s Up
12. Rolling Boy Blues