Asculta noua melodie Christian Death, Blood Moon


Dupa o pauza de sapte ani, americanii de la Christian Death vor lansa pe 6 mai 2022, noul album de studio, intitulat “Evil Becomes Rule“. Succesorul lui “The Root Of All Evilution” (2015) contine 11 melodii iar primul single de promovare, “Blood Moon“, poate fi ascultat mai jos.

Despre acest album Christian Death a declarat: “Evil Becomes Rule is a continuation of this theme. We’re going from the present time into the future. When we started writing this album, we anticipated an event like the pandemic: a disastrous event occurring on the earth. So now we’re asking the question, “maybe this is just the beginning of it?”.

Tracklist “Evil Becomes Rule”:

Evil Becomes Rule Tracklist:
01. The Alpha and The Omega
02. New Messiah
03. Elegant Sleeping
04. Blood Moon
05. Abraxas We Are
06. The Warning
07. Beautiful
08. Rise and Shine
09. Evil Becomes Rule
10. Who Am I (Part 1)
11. Who Am I (Part 2)