Urmareste noul videoclip At The Gates, The Fall Into Time


The Fall Into Time” noul videoclip At the Gates poate fi urmarit mai jos. Melodia este inclusa pe albumul “The Nightmare Of Being” ce va aparea pe piata in data de 2 iulie 2021, sub egida Century Media Records.

Videoclipul este realizat de Costin Chioreanu de la Twilight13media (Sigh, Kataklysm, Green Carnation, Bloodway, Mayhem, Enslaved, Arcturus, Arch Enemy).

The Nightmare Of Being” este mixat si masterizat de cunoscutul Jens Bogren (Goodbye To Gravity, Opeth, Kreator, Sepultura, Angra, Paradise Lost, etc.) in studioul Fascination Street din Orebo, Suedia.

Tracklist “The Nightmare Of Being”:

01. Spectre Of Extinction
02. The Paradox
03. The Nightmare Of Being
04. Garden Of Cyrus
05. Touched By The White Hands Of Death
06. The Fall Into Time
07. Cult of Salvation
08. The Abstract Enthroned
09. Cosmic Pessimism
10. Eternal Winter Of Reason