Urmareste noul videoclip Flotsam and Jetsam, Brace For Impact


Formatia americana Flotsam and Jetsam (thrash metal, speed metal) va lansa pe 4 iunie 2021, cel de-al 14-lea album de studio, intitulat “Blood In The Water“.

Discul, distribuit sub egida A.F.M. Records, contine 12 piese iar noul single de promovare este videoclipul piesei “Brace For Impact“.

Blood In The Water” este produs de celebrul producator Jacob Hansen (U.D.O., Volbeat, Delain, Pretty Maids, Amaranthe, Powerwolf, etc.) care a colaborat cu trupa si la precedentul material discografic, “The End of Chaos“, lansat in ianuarie 2019.

Tracklist “Blood In The Water”:

01. Blood In The Water
02. Burn The Sky
03. Brace For Impact
04. A Place To Die
05. The Walls
06. Cry For The Dead
07. The Wicked Hour
08. Too Many Lives
09. Grey Dragon
10. Reaggression
11. Undone
12. Seven Seconds ‘Til The End Of The World