David Ellefson nu mai face parte din formatia Megadeth


Dave Mustaine a dat publicitatii ca basistul David Ellefson nu mai face parte din formatia Megadeth. Hotararea vine dupa ce Ellefson este acuzat de comportament sexual neadecvat.

Dave Mustaine a declarat: “We are informing our fans that David Ellefson is no longer playing with Megadeth and that we are officially parting ways with him.

We do not take this decision lightly. While we do not know every detail of what occurred, with an already strained relationship, what has already been revealed now is enough to make working together impossible moving forward.

We look forward to seeing our fans on the road this summer, and we cannot wait to share our brand new music with the world. It is almost complete.”

David Ellefson a pus bazele Megadeth in 1983, alaturi de chitaristul si solistul Dave Mustaine, care tocmai fusese dat afara din Metallica. El a facut parte din grup pana in 2002 si a revenit in 2010.