Turneul european Hollywood Vampires a fost anulat, inclusiv concertul de la Bucuresti


Turneul european pe care Hollywood Vampires, supergrupul din care fac parte Alice Cooper, Johnny Depp si Joe Perry (Aerosmith), trebuia sa-l sustina in acest an a fost anulat, inclusiv concertul programat pe 31 august 2021, la Bucuresti.

Trupa a declarat: “We are beyond disappointed to announce that the Hollywood Vampires must cancel our rescheduled UK/European tour this Summer. We kept trying to make it happen, but unfortunately due to the uncertainty of COVID-19 travel restrictions, it is just not possible. Full refunds will be monored through your original point of purchase. Thank you for understanding, and we WILL be back rocking with you once the world returns to normal!”

Poze concert The Hollywood Vampires la Romexpo, Bucuresti pe 6 iunie 2016!