Urmareste noul videoclip Katatonia, The Winter of our Passing


Suedezii de la Katatonia vor lansa pe 24 aprilie 2020, sub egida Peaceville Records, cel de-al 11-lea album de studio, initulat “City Burials“. Discul contine 11 melodii iar noul videoclip de promovare, “The Winter of our Passing“, poate fi urmarit mai jos. Acesta poarta semnatura lui Costin Chioreanu de la Twilight13media (Ihsahn, Sigh, Kataklysm, Green Carnation, At the Gates, Bloodway, Mayhem, Enslaved, Arcturus, Arch Enemy).

Katatonia, Devin Townsend, Therion, Epica, Loch Vostok, Magnetic, Orphaned Land, Subterranean Masquerade si Riot Monk vor concerta la cea de-a opta editie Maximum Rock Festival ce se va desfasura in zilele de 13 si 14 iunie, la Arenele Romane din Bucuresti. Abonamentele pot fi achizitionate exclusiv prin ambilet.ro.

Tracklist “City Burials”:

01. Heart Set To Divide
02. Behind The Blood
03. Lacquer
04. Rein
05. The Winter Of Our Passing
06. Vanishers
07. City Glaciers
08. Flicker
09. Lachesis
10. Neon Epitaph
11. Untrodden