Kreator a lansat videoclipul noului single 666 – World Divided


Nemtii de la Kreator au lansat videoclipul noului single, “666 – World Divided“, prima inregistrare cu basistul Frederic Leclercq.

666 – World Divided” a fost inregistrata in studiourile Hansa Studios din Berlin cu ajutorul producatorilor Andy Sneap si Markus Ganter. Videoclipul poarta semnatura lui Jorn Heitmann, cel care a fost responsabil si pentru videoclipurile “Radio” si “Auslander” ale trupei Rammstein.

Mille Petrozza, liderul formatiei, a declarat: “After more than three long years, we are more than happy to present you our brand new single “666 – World Divided”. The message of this song is more important than ever: we have to stick together in this more and more divided world. Take care and most importantly: stay metal! We can do it all together. We are one!”