Urmareste noul videoclip Blaze of Perdition, Transmutation of Sins


Blaze of Perdition, formatia poloneza de black metal, va lansa pe 14 februare 2020, cel de-al 5-lea album de studio, intitulat “The Harrowing of Hearts“.

Materialul, care este distribuit sub egida Metal Blade Records, contine sapte piese iar primul videoclip de promovare, “Transmutation of Sins“, poate fi urmarit mai jos.

Tracklist “The Harrowing of Hearts”:

1. Suffering Made Bliss
2. With Madman’s Faith
3. Transmutation of Sins
4. Krolestwo Niebieskie
5. What Christ Has Kept Apart
6. The Great Seducer
7. Moonchild