Planet Of Zeus lanseaza albumul Faith In Physics


Planet of Zeus, poate cea mai renumita trupa greceasca din zona stoner/southern, va lansa pe 27 septembrie 2019, albumul “Faith In Physics“. Materialul este distribuit sub egida Heavy Psych Sounds si este produs de trupa iar mixajul si masterizarea ii apartin lui Nikos Lavdas.

Planet of Zeus a facut urmatoarea declaratie: “In 2019, at a time in which irrationalism seems to be king, with far-right politics enjoying mainstream status worldwide, religious fundamentalists, flat-earthers, and anti-vaccinists testing the limits of freedom of speech, Planet Of Zeus return with their highly anticipated fifth studio album, Faith In Physics (Heavy Psych Sounds Records).

Lyrically, this album seems to be Planet Of Zeus most socio-politically conscious release, dealing with themes such as digitalization, religion, social network pseudo-revolution, addiction and lonerism. Musically, it sounds like the band’s chosen to take the dirtiest path possible in order to create the highly charged atmosphere needed to get its messages through. 46 minutes of heavy, intellectual riffology and fat grooves, reminiscent of RATM’s best days, MC5-esque attitude and energy, coupled with QOTSA’s pop sensibilities. An album that flows like water and closes with Planet Of Zeus signature psychedelic last track, that sounds like “The Doors” landing in 2019 Athens via teleportation.”

Tracklist “Faith In Physics”:

01. Gasoline
02. Man Vs God
03. The Great Liar
04. Revolution Cookbook
05. All These Happy People
06. Your Song
07. Let Them Burn
08. On Parole
09. King Of The Circus