“True North”, noul album de studio al grupului norvegian Borknagar este prevazut a fi lansat in data de 27 septembrie 2019, prin intermediul casei de discuri Century Media Records.
Succesorul lui “Winter Thrice” (2016) este mixat si masterizat in Fascination Street Studios din Suedia cu ajutorul producatorului Jens Bogren (Goodbye To Gravity, Opeth, Kreator, Sepultura, Angra, Paradise Lost, etc.).
Oystein G. Brun, membru fondator, a declarat: “This has indeed been a thunderous ride, and we are truly excited to finally start revealing some news about our upcoming album. We have spent almost two years writing, recording and producing “True North” and we are extremely proud of what we have achieved this time around. On behalf of the whole band, I can firmly say that we have pushed the limits of our musical exploration, while our musical roots have grown even deeper into the northern ground. This is the most diverse, powerful and grandiose Borknagar album to date. Let there be no doubt.”
Borknagar a luat fiinta in 1995, la initiatitva lui Oystein Brun, si a devenit una dintre cele mai de succes formatii muzicale ale Norvegiei si totodata o trupa in care de-a lungul anilor au activat muzicieni cu o reputatie pe masura, daca e sa amintim de ICS Vortex (Arcturus, Dimmu Borgir), Vintersorg, Kristoffer Rygg (Ulver) sau muzicieni din Gorgoroth si Enslaved (Ivar Bjornson).
Deseori Borknagar a fost catalogata drept o punte intre muzica si natura in sine, norvegienii incorporand elemente ale muzicii black metal cu ingrediente folk metal, pasaje progresive, totul intr-o nota atmosfera inedita.