La doar un an de la aparitia discului “The Silent Vigil” (2018), supergrupul Memoriam va lansa pe 21 iunie 2019, cel de-al treilea album de studio, intitulat “Requiem For Mankind“.
Discul a fost inregistrat in Parlor Studios cu ajutorul lui Russ Russell (Napalm Death, Dimmu Borgir, At The Gates, Amorphis, etc.) iar artwork-ul poarta semnatura artistului grafic Dan Seagrave (Benediction, Dismember, Hypocrisy, Suffocation, etc.). “Shell Shock” este primul single de promovare vine sub forma unui lyric video.
Despre “Requiem For Mankind“, trupa a declarat: “Well here we are with our 3rd album “Requiem For Mankind”. On our previous albums we have experimented with different musical and vocal styles which have finally got us to the here and now with what we think is the definitive Memoriam album. It’s death metal, it’s all we know, it feels like the previous albums were a build up to this one. We finally have all the right ingredients in one place. We hope you enjoy it as much as we enjoyed making it”.
01. Shell Shock
02. Undefeated
03. Never The Victim
04. Austerity Kills
05. In The Midst Of Desolation
06. Refuse To Be Led
07. The Veteran
08. Requiem For Mankind
09. Fixed Bayonets
10. Interment
Memoriam a luat fiinta in 2016, albumul de debut, “For the Fallen”, fiind lansat un an mai tarziu. Trupa este compusa din Frank Healy (Sacrilege, ex-Benediction, ex-Napalm Death, ex-Anaal Nathrakh, ex-Cerebral Fix), Andrew Whale (ex-Colostomy, ex-Bolt Thrower, ex-Drop Dead, ex-Urban Chaos), Scott Fairfax (Benediction (live), ex-Cerebral Fix, ex-Exploder, ex-Anal Back Charge, ex-Life Denied) si Karl Willetts (ex-Bolt Thrower, Troikadon).