Evergrey, formatia suedeza de progressive/power metal, va lansa pe 25 ianuarie 2019, cel de-al 11-lea album de studio, intitulat “The Atlantic“. Succesorul lui “The Storm Within” (2016) este distribuit de AFM Records si contine 10 piese inregistrate cu ajutorul producatorului Jacob Hansen (Volbeat, Delain, Pretty Maids, Amaranthe, etc.). Primul single de promovare care beneficiaza de un videoclip este pentru piesa “A Silent Arc” si poate fi urmarit mai jos.
Liderul trupei, Tom S. Englund, a declarat: “Guys. This is album number 11! Isn’t that just sick?! It’s also the third album of a concept that might have reached its destination or at least one conclusion. It might also have been something that some of you saw coming or anticipated.
We’ve fought through giant private obstacles as well as an extremely complicated break-in at our headquarters studio to bring this album to you. So, at the same time as it’s certainly not been painless or at all easy, it’s been rewarding in new ways and our creativity has been painted in colors of honesty and sincerity.
This is our heaviest, darkest, and perhaps also our most diverse album to date. It’s everything we wanted to compose and the written words come straight from a place of transparency and never before experienced lucidity. Finally, as of yesterday, we’ve reached new shores. We can’t wait for you to share this journey with us and dive into our worlds, our depths, and the waters of “The Atlantic”!”.
Tracklist “The Atlantic”:
01. A Silent Arc
02. Weightless
03. All I Have
04. A Secret Atlantis
05. The Tidal
06. End Of Silence
07. Currents
08. Departure
09. The Beacon
10. This Ocean