Moonspell a lansat clipul Herr Spiegelmann, inclus pe DVD-ul Lisboa Under the Spell


Trupa portugheza Moonspell a anuntat ca pe 17 august 2018, va lansa “Lisboa Under the Spell”, album inregistrat cu ocazia concertului, sold-out, sustinut pe 4 februarie 2017, in Campo Pequeno din Lisabona.

Materialul este disponibil in format DVD, Blu ray si triplu CD si distribuit sub egida Napalm Records. Al doilea videoclip de promovare, primul a fost celebra piesa “Alma Mater”, este “Herr Spiegelmann” si poate fi urmarit mai jos.

Despre acest album trupa a declarat:

“We are thrilled to announce the release of our brand new live DVD/Blu-ray/3CD live album, entitled “Lisboa Under The Spell”! It was recorded live on our breathtaking capitol city of Lisbon and it’s nothing short of an epic trek of more than three action-packed hours! We have played “Wolfheart”, “Irreligious” plus “Extinct” in full, invited a bunch of guests, summoned our biggest strength to be up to the task, and it feels awesome to unleash a long-awaited live release from Moonspell. This edition will be full packed with amazing material, bonus CDs from the shows, a in depth documentary about the band, top sound, dramatic flair and a human picture of thousands of Portuguese witches and wolves under the spell. A great document of what we are on and off stage. Don’t miss out and visit Lisbon through the eyes of Moonspell fans and the genius work of director Victor Castro.”