Anaal Nathrakh a lansat videoclipul Obscene as Cancer


Formatia Anaal Nathrak, adepta a sonoritatilor industrial black metal/grindcore, va lansa pe 28 septembrie 2018, prin casa de discuri Metal Blade Records, noul album intitulat “A New Kind of Horror”. Dupa aparitia primului single, “Forward”, a venit timpul si pentru primul videoclip, piesa aleasa fiind “Obscene as Cancer”.

Despre acest disc solisutl vocal Dave Hunt (Benediction) a declarat: “This is not a happy album. It is bitter, vengeful, sarcastic, sardonic, violent, terrified and horrified — terrifying and horrifying in equal measure. Above all, it is human, and all that that entails. It’s as sincere as we could make it. There’s a lot that goes into our albums, of course, but it all comes about as a natural result of who we are, and for A New Kind of Horror we felt early on that it was clearly its own thing. It doesn’t have to stand in comparison with anything because to us it’s in a class of its own.”

Tracklist “A New Kind of Horror”:

1. The Road To…
2. Obscene As Cancer
3. The Reek Of Fear
4. Forward!
5. New Bethlehem/Mass Death Futures
6. The Apocalypse Is About You!
7. Vi Coactus
8. Mother Of Satan
9. The Horrid Strife
10. Are We Fit For Glory Yet? (The War To End Nothing)