Asculta noua piesa Unearth, Incinerate


“Incinerate”, noul single semnat de americanii de la Unearth poate fi ascultat mai jos. Piesa este inclusa pe viitorul material discografic, primul dupa o pauza de 4 ani, intitulat “Extinction(s)” ce va fi lansat in aceasta vara sub egida Century Media.

Pentru cel de-al 7-lea album de studio, formatia din Boston a lucrat cu Will Putney (Every Time I Die, Body Count, Gojira, Thy Art Is Murder, Silent Planet) de la Graphic Nature Studios. In plus, Adam Dutkiewicz de la Killswitch Engace a inregistrat partile de tobe. Despre aceast prim single, Unearth a declarat:

“‘Incinerate’ brings the raw aggression and heaviness of our early material while also showcasing elements of where we’ve gone as a band since. Lyrically, it is meant to be a song of unity in a time of great polarization around the world. We are constantly being told to not like our neighbor because they might have different views. The theme is a faith in humanity to come together and combat and rid the world of those that are intentionally dividing us.”