Asculta Born in Singularity, primul single Saddayah inclus pe albumul Apopheny of Life


“Apopheny of Life”, primul single extras de pe albumul de debut Saddayah, poate fi ascultat mai jos. Discul, intitulat “Apopheny of Life” va fi lansat in a doua parte a lui 2018. Materialul a fost inregistrat, mixat si masterizat la I.V. Metal Foundry.

Despre acest prim single, trupa a declarat: “Born in Singularity este o piesa care ne defineste, din punct de vedere al compozitiei si al influentei muzicale.”

Infiintata in luna aprilie 2014, Saddayah este o trupa de death metal cu influente black/melodic/tech din Prahova. Componenta actuala este urmatoare:

Gabriel Marincu – Lead Guitar
Petrut Ilie – Vocals
Sorin Marincu – Rhythm Guitar
Serban Mateescu – Bass
Theo Ionescu – drums

Lyrics “Born in Singularity”:

“Born in singularity
Predetermined events abolish posibilities
A bool spawned with organic dreams return in me
A frustrum blending reality

To still be here not knowing why
Don’t just survive, undo, rewind
No time to buffer
Execute and suffer
It just can’t be erased
Don’t retrace, accept, embrace
No time to buffer
Execute and suffer

All in a self created, self sustained, self distructive system
Placed in a perpetual motion by our random generated features

Leaving the background grid
Enter kernel panic”