Animals As Leaders a lansat clipul The Brain Dance – Live Video


“The Brain Dance”, noul clip semnat Animals As Leaders poate fi urmarit mai jos. Piesa este extrasa de primul album live al trupei, “Live 2017”, lansat pe 11 mai, sub egida Sumerian Records. Materialul a fost inregistrat in timpul turneului “The Convergence Tour” de anul trecut pe care trupa l-a efectuat alaturi de Periphery.

Tracklist “Live 2017”:

1. Arithmophobia (live from Phoenix)
2. Tempting Time (live from Nashville)
3. Ectogenesis (live from San Antonio)
4. Cognitive Contortions (live from Denver)
5. Tooth & Claw (live from Seattle)
6. Nephele (live from Detroit)
7. Physical Education (live from Philadelphia)
8. The Brain Dance (live from Dallas)
9. Private Visions of the World (live from Salt Lake City)
10. Ka$cade (live from Providence)
11. Inner Assassins (live from Los Angeles)
12. The Woven Web (live from Portland)
13. CAFO (live from Las Vegas)