Ascultati Benediction sau Bolt Thrower??? Daca da, va anuntam ca supergrupul Down Among The Dead Men va lansa cel de-al 3-lea album de studio, intitulat “…and You Will Obey Me”, pe 15 iunie 2018, prin intermediul celor de la Transcending Obscurity Records. Discul, primul dupa o pauza de 3 ani, contine piese in maniera old school death metal iar primul single a fost deja lansat si poate fi ascultat mai jos.
Trupa Down Among The Dead Men este formata din David Ingram (Ursinne, Echelon, ex-Bolt Thrower, ex-Hail of Bullets, ex-Benediction) si Rogga Johansson (Paganizer, Johansson & Speckmann, Eye of Purgatory, The Grotesquery, Echelon, Necrogod) iar la inregistrari au participat si Kjetil Lynghaug (Paganizer, Echelon, Stass) si bateristul Erik R. Bevenrud (Stass).
Tracklist “…And You Will Obey Me”:
1. Destroy The Infinite
2. Axis Of Insanity
3. …And You Will Obey Me
4. The End Of Time
5. Omega
6. House Of Blue Fire
7. The Age Of Steel
8. Eye Of Harmony
9. Darkness Of Glass
10. Panopticon